Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Poem of the century

I went to work
The wrong way
And got lost
No one would help me
I did not know what to do to get back

If I could buy a clue then I would but I have no cash on me so I am confused what

Take a picture
It'll last longer
But you don't have to
If you had the photo
You might use it for bad things
An evil spell or something

How often do I have to say 'I love you' to trick you into believing it's true

I heart you
I lung you
I liver you
I small intestine the shit out of you sometimes

When you are sleeping
I take photos of you
And I photoshop the photos
So your eyes appear to be open
And you look like a corpse
Because baby
That's how I feel

On a good day I feel like a horse and on a bad day I feel like a mule
Today is somewhere between the two and it looks confusing


red newsom said...

i like this

Ben Brooks said...

good work farmboy

Mariana Soffer said...

This is the poem of the cuentury, I can not belive how good it is one of the verse,which is this:
I heart you
I lung you
I liver you
I small intestine the shit out of you sometimes"
It has been a long time since I did not hear something so good, original and with magic in it.